
Esteemed Industry Leaders Named to SGIA Board of Directors for 2018

The Specialty Graphic Imaging Association (SGIA) is pleased to announce Edward Cook Jr. of ECI Screen Print Inc. as Chairman of its 2018 Board of Directors. Cook was appointed along with incoming First Vice Chairman Thomas Cooper of WestRock Merchandising Displays and Second Vice Chairman Scott Crosby of Holland & Crosby Limited. Rich Thompson of Ad Graphics Inc will serve as Immediate Past Chairman.

EFI's exhibit at the New Orleans tradeshow also includes an EFI Reggiani industrial textile digital printer making its North American debut.

Esteemed Industry Leaders Named to SGIA Board of Directors for 2018

The Specialty Graphic Imaging Association (SGIA) is pleased to announce Edward Cook Jr. of ECI Screen Print Inc. as Chairman of its 2018 Board of Directors. Cook was appointed along with incoming First Vice Chairman Thomas Cooper of WestRock Merchandising Displays and Second Vice Chairman Scott Crosby of Holland & Crosby Limited. Rich Thompson of Ad Graphics Inc will serve as Immediate Past Chairman.

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