Over 14,000 free-to-access media profiles are now available for OKI ColorPainter users, saving them time and costs, while optimising the match between printer and material.

OKI Europe launch media profiles for ColorPainter users

OKI Europe has launched a dedicated database for ColorPainter users with over 14,000 media profiles, giving registered users fast, free access to accurate media and colour management settings and unlocking new revenue opportunities for graphic arts businesses and creative organisations.

Dunapack advances in corrugated production with EFI Escada.
Industrial Print

Dunapack advances in corrugated production with EFI Escada

Dunapack Packaging, a manufacturer of high-quality printed corrugated packaging based in Ujazd, Poland, has recently signed an agreement with Electronics For Imaging, Inc. to further enhance their corrugated control capabilities with the addition of EFI Escada Profile, a highly sophisticated closed-loop process control system enabling higher and consistent quality and overall efficiency.

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