Esko wins FTA Technical Innovation Award for Print Control Wizard.

Esko wins FTA Technical Innovation Award

Esko, a global supplier of hardware and software for customers in the packaging, labels and wide format sectors, has won a prestigious Technical Innovation award at the Flexographic Technical Association (FTA) 2019 Awards for its Print Control Wizard software.

Roland TrueVIS VG2 passes customer testing with flying colours.
Wide Format Print

Successful beta test of new 8-colour TrueVIS VG2 from Roland

“And finally, real orange!” The Dutch sign specialist Gielen Reclame (Valkenswaard) is incredibly enthusiastic about the successful beta test of the new 8-colour TrueVIS VG2 printer/cutter from Roland. So happy, in fact, that Chris Gielen immediately purchased two machines: “The addition of the new orange ink now provides us with the opportunity to make even better prints with certain corporate identity colours.”

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