Durham Box, a UK-based corrugated packaging manufacturer has purchased an EFI Nozomi C18000.
Industrial Print

Durham Box purchases EFI Nozomi C18000

Durham Box, a UK-based corrugated packaging manufacturer has purchased an EFI Nozomi C18000 single-pass, ultra-high-speed LED inkjet corrugated packaging press from Electronics For Imaging, Inc.. Durham Box made the investment to optimise its production process and provide superior-quality imagery for customers.

Horizon signs deal for 3rd Durst system in major investment program.
Industrial Print

Horizon signs deal for 3rd Durst system

Horizon, the award-winning digital print and design specialist, used FESPA 2019 to complete the signing of a third Durst production system as part of a move to future-proof its fast-growing business in the final stages of a major investment program in Dublin, Ireland.

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