Agfa invites InPrint 2022 visitors to ‘think inkjet’ for a broad range of industrial printing applications.

Agfa invites InPrint visitors to consider industrial inkjet

At InPrint 2022 (Munich, March 15-17), industrial inkjet expert Agfa will show how manufacturers from diverse industry segments can achieve unequaled flexibility, cost-efficiency and speed of delivery through the integration of inkjet printing in their production processes.

FESPA UK & Prismm Waste Management program moves forward to the next stage.

FESPA UK & Prismm Waste Management program gains pace

After a fantastic response to the initial campaign, which saw FESPA UK & Prismm Environmental asking for printers to register their interest in sending their waste PVC Banner and Polypropylene to be recycled rather than sending it to landfill or incineration, the team are ready to move forward to the next stage.

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