ColorBurst Releases Overdrive RIP


ColorBurst Systems has announced the release of Overdrive, the newest addition to the ColorBurst RIP Server family for Mac OS X. Overdrive offers ColorBurst’s color management technology with expanded printer support including Epson, Canon, and HP desktop and large-format printers. Overdrive’s built-in Adobe black point compensation provides expected results for Photoshop users automatically, while support for paper manufacturer’s ICC profiles provides custom results without the time and expense of custom profiling. Overdrive’s proofing features include Pantone matching and the ability to reach a Delta E within proofing industry standards for #1, #3, and #5 press sheets.

“We are excited to offer such a capable initial release of Overdrive,” said Larry Spevak, president of ColorBurst Systems. “We knew we had a solid product when a pre-release version of Overdrive made six winning prints at the 2010 DIMA Digital Printer Shoot-Out. With such a strong start, we see a great future for Overdrive.”

To introduce Overdrive, ColorBurst has launched a new website at with a full list of product features, requirements, pricing, and secure online ordering. Overdrive is available in 13-inch, 17-inch, 24-inch, 44-inch, and 64-inch widths, starting at $395, or $295 for a Single User Version. A 15-day unrestricted demo of Overdrive is available.

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