Large Format Review’s man on the ground – Signtec’s Peter French – bemoans the last minute Christmas print panic…
If there is one thing that winds me up, it’s the late rush for Christmas stuff. Doesn’t everyone realise that Christmas always comes at the same time of year every single year? Customers have all year to think about their product and advertising requirements for the Christmas period and you would imagine they would order whatever they need in plenty of time.
But, does this happen in reality? No. As mid-November arrives, work comes piling in. Complete shop fit-outs for the two-month rentals, banners selling everything from Christmas trees to bookings for your staff party and window graphics for seasonal gifts and decorations. On the face of it, there’s still six weeks to go until Christmas. However, these companies often want their bespoke solutions for Monday morning.
And then there is the job that’s been kicking around for six months that’s nothing to do with Christmas, but now becomes urgent. Oh and I nearly forgot – the job that needs to be done over Christmas, when the customer’s shop is closed or the van isn’t being used.
I don’t know what it is about signage, but it seems to be the last item on everyone’s list. I remember a Christmas some time ago, a customer who wanted a back-to-back tray hung off the wall at 90 degrees. The customer designed and manufactured the fixings for this, which must have taken many hours or days. With two days to go before the opening – and with the press and photographers coming, dancing girls set, balloons put up and the mayor planning to attend – we get the email requesting we manufacture a custom-designed panel and have it powder coated in a non RAL colour, signed and fitted, all in 2 days…
Sadly, it was not possible to meet these requirements. We supplied a free banner for the opening, but of course our reputation could easily have been damaged by such a scenario. Even if the customer’s expectations are unrealistic, if you can’t meet them, you put your reputation in danger. With the abundance of online forums, blogs, social media etc, it is all too easy for a customer to post “could not meet the deadlines so had to postpone the opening” for all the world to see. And it wasn’t even your fault.
This is the danger we all face this time of year. In the busiest time on the high street, our customers have their own timeline to work to and, unfortunately, you have to work to that. But as a supplier to many customers, you have many timelines and deadlines to meet. Forget your own plans and scheduling, it’s the customer’s deadline that matters now. It’s a bit like spinning plates trying to keep the show running. Fail to deliver at your peril. Forget your staff party, a night out with your mates or a meal with friends you haven’t seen since last Christmas – it’s time to put in those 14 hour days again!
We wouldn’t have it any other way though, would we? This is part of the thrill of the industry. It makes us feel useful and important and reassures us that we will be around for many Christmas’s to come. To all my customers, bring it on! We’re ready!
About Peter French: Peter has been working in the sign industry for 9 years having spent a lifetime in IT. Specialising in kick-starting businesses, Peter worked in many diverse business sectors. For most of the time at Signtec he has been at the forefront of large format printing with both solvent and UV technologies.