Speedy KIP C7800 digital poster printer helps Sport Relief star


Comedian Ava Vidal’s campaign for dance domination at the Let’s Dance for Sport Relief event got a boost this week with some last minute
help from a KIP C7800 digital poster printer.

After an offer from major local supermarkets to provide poster space to support the London comedian in the BBC charity fundraiser, KIP UK arranged for the rapid turnaround of 100 A2 full colour posters in just a few minutes.

“Ava had a PDF file emailed to me and we had the posters printed in around 8 minutes and straight out of the door!” comments Grainger Hill from KIP.
“It’s also a perfect illustration of how instant on-demand digital print works for people.”

The BBC charity fundraiser features a variety of ‘twinkle-toed’ celebrities mimicking famous dance routines in order to raise money for Sport Relief, one
of the UK’s biggest fundraising events.  This year’s grand finale event takes place on 17th March and previous winners have included Robert Webb, Rufus Hound and Charlie Baker.

KIP, a global specialist supplier of wide-format digital reprographic systems, just launched the C7800 product, a combined mono & colour high volume production print system offering 600 x 2400 dpi resolution at a constant colour print speed of 325 m2 per hour (288 x A0 posters).

More details about BBC Dance for Sport Relief can be found at http://www.sportrelief.com/whats-on/tv-listings/lets-dance

More details about Ava Vidal can be found at www.avavidal.co.uk

More details about the KIP C7800 can be found at www.c7800.co.uk

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