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Enfocus PitStop 11 with ‘smart preflight & correction’ to be launched at drupa


Over 130,000 Enfocus PitStop users worldwide will benefit from significantly more accurate and flexible PDF preflight and correction when Enfocus releases PitStop Pro and PitStop Server 11 at drupa 2012.  PitStop 11’s “Smart Preflight & Correction” is a key Enfocus advance that allows real-time interactions of user or job-fed Preflight Profile settings.

According to Enfocus, the automated use of metadata (e.g. JDF and XML) for job processing, via PitStop Server, introduces a new level of automation.

Enfocus PitStop Pro and Server users repeatedly say that their PitStop preflight solution is the most crucial contributor to the success of their PDF workflows. “PitStop 11 allows customers to continue to use their familiar PitStop technology while moving into this new era of preflight,” says Enfocus Product Manager for PitStop Pro and PitStop Server, Leen Vanmaele.

Preflight made Specific to Each Job

Vanmaele says the company has been working to make the preflight process more accurate, and specifically reflective of individual job requirements. In sum, she explains that organisations have not been able to take full advantage of PitStop’s preflight and correction capabilities, because creation of individualised preflight checks and fixes for each job required highly time-consuming creation of a different Preflight Profile for every possible combination of values and conditions.

New PitStop Pro and PitStop Server 11 unleash the full power of the checking and correction options available in the PitStop engine with user-fed or automatic, job-fed values. These are used by the Preflight Profiles to direct which checks and fixes should be over-ridden and open to change at job run-time. Fast and correct linking of the PDF with customers’ specific requirements makes service faster and more accurate. Overall quality is improved and processes are standardised.

PitStop Pro 11 will give its customers the ability to use smart values to check and correct a PDF; while PitStop Server 11 users can enjoy a completely hands-off, new level of automation. In the latter case, PitStop Server preflight settings and values can be driven by job-specific information such as JDF or XML job tickets, often generated by a MIS or an Ad Booking system.

Additional Features: Streamlined Interface and Smarter Text Editing

Additional improvements and changes to PitStop 11 include a cleaner, more streamlined interface making preflight and result navigation more user friendly.

PitStop 11 also brings smarter text editing. For instance a handy “Find and Replace” text tool allows PitStop Pro users to quickly find text, and if desired can immediately replace it while maintaining the PDF’s existing format. Text is also automatically re-merged on a single line, if needed. This will significantly improve ease of use and editing capabilities.

PitStop Server Customers Will More Easily Move into Smart Automation

Research data shows that PitStop Server 11 users will be well positioned to move into more advanced, digital workflows where metatagged, JDF and XML-embedded files interact intelligently with production processes along the way.

As PitStop Server customers become more familiar with utilizing metadata, they will aim to achieve end-to-end automation within a workflow. Switch 11, Enfocus’ new modular automation solution, is the answer to these users.

“Enfocus continues to improve production environments in a profound, yet logical, way,” says Fabian Prudhomme, Enfocus VP. “We round the next curve before our customers do; so that we’re ready for them when they reach their next goal or destination.”


Beginning immediately, users purchasing or upgrading to PitStop Pro / Server 10 now will be entitled to a free upgrade to PitStop Pro / Server 11, until the actual release date.  Pre-drupa promotions are also available through Enfocus resellers.

PitStop Pro 11 and PitStop Server 11 will be available by beginning of May 2012.

For more information on promotions and pricing, please contact your local reseller or Enfocus at

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