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Enfocus PitStop technology integrated into FFEI’s RealPro Workflow range


FFEI has chosen Enfocus’ industry standard PDF preflighting technology to be included in its RealPro Workflow product range. The announcement follows a longstanding collaboration developing third party workflow solutions for OEM partners such as Fujifilm.

By integrating Enfocus PitStop Technology within RealPro Workflow, FFEI customers will benefit from highly automated file checking and correction as part of a defined workflow stage.

“The addition of Enfocus PitStop Technology within RealPro Workflow means FFEI can offer a fully integrated workflow solution that combines best in class OEM technologies with our own powerful prepress tool set and native JDF & PDF architecture,” comments Mark Ridgeway, Software Product Manager, FFEI. “The result is a highly automated late binding PDF workflow offering the ability to make late changes with minimum impact on
production schedules. The feedback from our distribution channels and their customers is that this gives them the opportunity to replace piecemeal and legacy workflow solutions with a single modern and efficient solution that can handle both offset and digital printing requirements at an affordable price point.”

The solution, available via FFEI’s network of dealers and OEM partners, will take full advantage of Enfocus Preflight and Action List automation directly within the workflow, delivering increased prepress efficiency, improved flexibility in the pressroom and reduced overall costs related to re-work.

RealPro Workflow automatically alerts users to any preflight failures and provides instant access to both the preflight report and associated PDF file from one of RealPro’s multiple Mac or PC clients. This integration also ensures files are always correctly prepared for the specific output process, especially important where jobs may be retargeted for offset and or digital devices.

“FFEI’s decision to integrate our acclaimed Enfocus PitStop preflighting and correction technology within their own RealPro scalable workflow solution proves that PitStop answers the automation and quality requirement needs when processing PDF files,” comments Angelo Manno, Global Account Manager Crossroads & OEM, Enfocus.  “PitStop has evolved over 15 years to continuously address new market requirements.  FFEI’s OEM partners and their end-users will therefore greatly benefit from a technology which has become the de facto standard in the industry.”

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