Zund establishes new ASEAN subsidiary to further enhance sales and support in the region

zund swiss hq


With the establishment of the subsidiary Zund Asia (Bangkok) Ltd. based in Thailand, Zünd is further strengthening its market presence in the ASEAN (The Association of Southeast Asian Nations) market. This will allow the Swiss specialist in digital cutting to get ever closer to both existing and new customers in south-eastern Asia.

A family owned and run business, for more than 30 years the name Zünd has stood for precision Swiss engineering, quality, sustainability and cutting solutions that offer maximum customer benefit. Zünd cutters offer precise intelligent tool steering and automatic material handling for powerful, multi-functional production units. In different market segments such as graphics, packaging, leather, textile, technical textile and composite there are more than 15,000 cutters in use throughout the world, more than 500 of them in the ASEAN region.

In order to further expand their commitment and presence in the ASEAN market, Zünd recently founded subsidiary Zund Asia (Bangkok) Ltd. which attends to their clients in the south easterly Asian market with immediate effect. The existing company Zünd Thailand Co. Ltd., the previous Zünd-business partner responsible for the Thai market, was integrated in to Zund Asia (Bangkok) Ltd. Additionaly Zünd Asia based in Hong Kong will further attend to Zünd-customers in the rest of Asia.

In the future a planned competence centre in Bangkok will offer the possibility to demonstrate Zünd modular cutters in action to prove their productivity and reliability. Continuing education and regular training for service technicians as well as a hotline service for remote service will guarantee optimal reliability and product performance.

Oliver Zünd, CEO Zünd Systemtechnik AG says of this development “We are proud of our new office in Bangkok. This offers all current and future customers a perfect service and we can emphasise our claim ‘Your first choice in digital cutting’ in the ASEAN market“.


Top picture shows Zünd HQ, Switzerland‘s first Minergie-P industrial building, it uses 5x less energy and has less than 20% of the CO2 emission typical of a conventionally-built modern facility.

Picture below shows a Zünd G3 digital cutting and finishing system.

ZUND 2015 G3


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