April’s ISA International Sign Expo 2021 is now virtual

April’s ISA Sign Expo going virtual: ISA board of directors statement on ISA International Sign Expo 2021.

The ISA Board of Directors meets periodically to discuss and receive updates from ISA Staff on key programs and services. Yesterday we met to receive an update on ISA International Sign Expo 2021.

The Board of Directors for the International Sign Association have released the following statement:

We continue to closely monitor the ongoing developments with the coronavirus and the related effects of it. While the opening of the event is not for a few months, we must make decisions now about whether ISA can host an in-person event.

Given the current state of the pandemic, we believe that the only solution will be for ISA Sign Expo 2021 to become a fully virtual event taking place over the same dates, April 7-9, 2021.

Over the last year, ISA has developed a number of extremely well-received virtual experiences, including The Wrap Experience, The Link…Install and The Link…Soft Signage. Using the expertise, information and feedback from those events, we believe that we can deliver an outstanding experience, complete with the ability to explore new products, learn from experts and connect with peers.

We realize that this will be disappointing for those who look forward to traveling to Las Vegas, meeting with 20,000+ sign, graphics and visual communications professionals and exploring 600+ exhibitors. Given the pandemic, it will be impossible to host the Expo in an in-person environment.

ISA Sign Expo 2021 – Virtual will allow for a broader segment of our industry to fully participate in our show, including more international colleagues, those who normally do not travel for their companies and a wider scope of exhibitors. The virtual event will be FREE for all attendees and provide access to the latest products, ideas and connections to help you grow your business.

Registration for ISA International Sign Expo 2021 – VIRTUAL is open, register today at www.SignExpo.org/Virtual2021 

Rest assured that ISA will continue to deliver the strong programs to help you grow. We look forward to the day when we can meet again in-person. Until then, thank you for your understanding, and for trusting us to make the decisions we believe to be best for our industry, our members and our association as a whole.


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