In addition, it also reports that from a cost perspective, its Landa press compares very favourably against traditional offset print applications – indeed, the company has won jobs specifically on its ability to be more cost-effective with its Landa S10P. This includes a recent project for leading French fashion and lifestyle magazine, ‘Elle’.
Supporting its dedicated interior design focused title, ‘Elle Décoration’, Groupe Prenant was tasked with producing a special 900-run, 260-page collector’s edition of the popular prestige publication. Compared to that of offset printing, the company won this work thanks directly to the Landa S10P’s ability to reduce the overall production cost by around 25%. Importantly, this impressive cost-saving was realised while also maintaining the customer’s exacting standards for the highest level of output quality on its own specially selected premium paper – Magno Star silk 115gr.
The Elle job was printed at the group’s Diamant Graphic subsidiary in Choisy-le-Roi, where the B1/41 in. Landa S10P underpins Groupe Prenant’s vision. It does this by focusing on the high-end market, further exploiting the capabilities of personalization and fully leveraging the connection between print and other online digital communications.
“The project for Elle perfectly illustrates the economic power of Nanography, plus its ability to satisfy the requirement for high quality print. With almost 12 months of use, we truly believe that via companies like ours, the S10P will transform the future of print,” explains Philippe Vanheste, Deputy General Director, Groupe Prenant.
“Indeed, when it comes to certain short-run requirements, digital online content received electronically is no match for an ultra-high-quality printed version. For many of our prestige clients, among them large fashion houses, this is even more keenly felt. We believe that the printed paper has a bright future, especially if it’s enhanced, personalized and connected,” he adds.
By no means just a throwaway comment, this firmly held claim reflects the company’s ethos and goes hand-in-hand with its approach of leveraging breakthrough technologies to fully exploit the printed paper plus digital online combination. From the print perspective, adding the Landa S10P to its hardware portfolio significantly ups the ante for Groupe Prenant, both in terms of what it delivers at the business level, as well as the way in which it complements the company’s customer applications gamut.
12 Months’ Experience
Philippe Vanheste continues, “With the S10P, we’re winning in several ways. For starters, thanks to Landa’s DFE, it’s a much simpler press to use. And, with no plates, there’s minimal preparation which means that we can turn work around much quicker. This makes it perfect for applications like lookbooks, catalogues, flyers and posters. What’s more, we can also produce these with much reduced substrate waste.
“From a numbers perspective, we’ve found that it’s more cost-effective and time-efficient to route jobs to the Landa S10P that are around 1,400 sheets or less, rather than to our offset printers. But we expect this number to go up as the Landa press increases in speed. In addition, we also plan to use the Landa S10P for personalization as well as in the development and roll-out of our AR offering too,” he explains.
A Second Landa Press
Although the company currently has plenty of work to put through the Landa S10P in a normal eight-hour shift, part of the Laurent Prenant -CEO of the Group – vision is the installation of a second Landa S10P press.
“We anticipate moving up to two teams and eventually to three so that we can run the Landa press 24/7. At that point, to satisfy capacity requirements and to ensure all-round flexibility, we’ll be looking to double our capability with an additional S10P – which together, will eventually replace our sheet-fed offset presses,” says Vanheste.
“Ultimately, it’s about future-proofing our business and equipping ourselves to drive our strategic objectives. As it is central to every aspect of our strategy, Landa’s nanotechnology remains uppermost in our plans and future success,” he concludes.