The Print Show postpones until 2022

The event had been due to run from September 28th to 30th this year at the NEC in Birmingham and a number of major brands had signed up to exhibit.

Organisers of The Print Show have confirmed that the 2021 edition of the UK-focused event will be delayed until 2022 due to ongoing concerns about Covid-19.

The event had been due to run from September 28th to 30th at the NEC in Birmingham and a number of major brands had signed up to exhibit.

However, due to a recent rise in Covid-19 cases and uncertainty as to the level of measures and restrictions that are likely remain in place in September, the organisers have taken the decision to postpone until autumn next year.

The event will now instead run from September 20th to 22nd at the NEC.

“We’re incredibly disappointed to have to postpone the show, but with so much uncertainty as to where we will be come September, we believe this is the best decision for exhibitors and visitors alike,” event director Chris Davies says.

“We’re 100% committed to delivering a high-quality event that will offer real value to all those in attendance. We want all our attendees to feel safe and comfortable when at the show.

“Given the situation regarding rising levels of positive cases, coupled with the uncertainty as to where the UK will be in the autumn, we simply don’t know what sort of restrictions we would face, or if the event would be able to go ahead at all.

“Therefore, we have taken the decision now to postpone until next year, by when the vast majority of the UK population will have received their vaccinations and booster jabs, and we will have a much clearer vision of what the future holds.”

Almost all companies that signed up to exhibit at the show this year have agreed to roll their booking to 2022 free of charge.



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