Minuteman Press Nashville uses HP Latex 360 for iconic wrap

Minuteman Press Nashville uses HP Latex 360 to complete iconic building wrap.

The Nashville branch of the Minuteman Press franchise network recently used its HP Latex 360 printer to create a set of striking graphics for a major exterior front of house full vinyl wrap project at the nearby Grand Ole Opry House.

Owned by Ryman Hospitality Partners, the Grand Ole Opry House is one of the most legendary music venues in the US. The iconic building in Nashville has played host to household names such as Elvis Presley, Dolly Parton and Johnny Cash.

Minuteman Press Nashville has worked with the Grand Ole Opry House on a whole range of projects, having first partnered 10 years ago, and was again approached by the venue for a recent project that involved refreshing the building’s exterior with eye-catching images of singers who have performed at the site.

One of the primary challenges for Minuteman Press Nashville was the surface of the building in that it is stamped concrete, made to look like a rough-cut cedar wooden surface with deep woodgrain, and having over a half-inch difference between the faux planks.


hp latex 360 opry house nashville

The Grand Ole Opry House after the full vinyl wrap.


Minuteman Press Nashville had to keep this in mind when selecting the materials and machinery to create the wrap, while also ensuring that the printed graphics could stand up to the elements of Nashville.

As such, Minuteman Press Nashville opted to print the graphics on its HP Latex 360, a large-format printer that can produce 1200 dpi images with six colours for both indoor and outdoor projects.

The graphics, which were installed in spring 2023, were printed onto 3M IJ-480 Vinyl and laminated with 3M 8520 Matte Overlaminate using a GBC roll laminator. Outdoor graphics printed using the HP Latex 360 can last for up to five years when laminated.

“The exterior, as all large branding projects do, began with an intense set of measurements and a write-up of all inclusions and challenges with the surfaces,” Minuteman Press Nashville Owner John Taylor said.

“We then created an Illustrator template for their art department, advising on the best practices and highlighting any areas to which they should pay special attention during design. 

“I’m extremely happy with the job. I really am humbled and honoured to be given the opportunity. Now, for the less-than-humble perspective; it was an intense scope of work – and we got the job done! We’ve had only positive feedback about this installation and people are loving the new face of the Grand Ole Opry House.

“My favourite reaction was from a security guard that said, ‘I haven’t seen this many people stop and have their pictures taken in front of the building in years and years!’ He’s been there for over 15 years, so that was so gratifying to hear him say that.”

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hp latex 360 grand ole opry house

Close-up of the new graphics at The Grand Ole Opry House.


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