How connected processes will drive digital transformation

Ricoh discusses how connected processes are key to the success of digital transformation for commercial printers.
Ricoh discusses how connected processes are key to the success of digital transformation for commercial printers.

Digital disruption has powered the analogue to digital transformation and redefined the print production landscape.

Application versatility, production flexibility, and variable data capabilities have combined to meet increased demand for high customisation and shorter deadlines.

These once standout attributes are no longer enough to ensure growth or profitability though.

Essential now are fully integrated and connected processes enabled by sophisticated software and hardware. They create end to end workflows that are efficient, automated, and data driven.

Processes that should be connected in today’s commercial printing environment include:

  • Web to Print solutions: For the quick and easy placement of orders, upload of designs and customisation of templates, are solutions that can integrate seamlessly with production workflows, reducing manual intervention and errors.
  • Workflow Automation: Just 54% of operations have prepress automation, 35% have press and post-press automation, and only 13% have fully integrated end to end JDF workflows, according to the Drupa Print Horizons Report. Automating tasks such as file preparation, colour management, and job scheduling minimises delays and optimises resource utilisation. Software such as RICOH TotalFlow BatchBuilder simplifies and automates many steps in short run digital production while RICOH ProcessDirector uses precise tracking to capture, transform, and manage production information and print processes.
  • Data driven insights: These inform the tracking of key performance metrics, identification of trends, and the ability to make data-informed decisions to improve efficiency and profitability. RICOH Predictive Insight for example uses AI and ML capabilities to predict when individual components will need replacing.
  • Finishing automation: Faster job completion is aided by intelligent finishing technologies that smoothly manage runs of all lengths and a wide variation of substrates. The new open source Print Line and Finishing Interface (PLF-I) provides a step change in communication between web fed technology and pre- and post-processing equipment.
  • Sustainability and eco-friendly practices: Connected processes also support the growing focus on sustainability. Digital workflows reduce paper waste, while eco-friendly inks and energy-efficient machines help lower environmental impact.

And of course there are Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies which enable real time monitoring of printing equipment, ensuring optimal performance and predictive maintenance. The ability to communicate with other systems further streamlines the production process.

Ricoh will expand on these topics at Hunkeler Innovationdays 2025, February 24 to 27, Messe Lucerne. Register to see Ricoh in Hall 2, Stand P6, and explore what processes you should connect next to shape a more profitable future.

By Erwin Busselot, Director Business Innovation & Solutions, Ricoh Graphic Communications, Ricoh Europe

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