With those figures it is clear why manufacturers and their agents want their news, products and services to feature in articles on Large Format Review, and for the most part we are happy to help, and for free.
What’s ever so slightly annoying is that on receipt of this completely free service (the time and effort to edit and upload your content is a cost to us, a real one, we pay real salaries to real people) some people still choose to contact us and complain, often quite rudely…
“Hey, LFR, why aren’t you covering our news? What do we have to do to get a mention? Are you ignoring us? Why did you delete our telephone number? Why are you removing the links to our website? Why is our competitor getting so much coverage?” From time to time we’ll get emails like that from someone grumbling because we haven’t published their news stories with the desired prominence or have perhaps edited their content to remove links.
Put simply, if we haven’t covered your news there will always be a reason. We always try to give everyone a fair opportunity to talk to our readers, but we are a popular online blog with readers who have come to expect to be informed and/or entertained by high quality content. We work hard to meet those expectations and will not publish material that doesn’t hit the mark.
So I’d like to set out some guidelines for those aspiring towards bending the LFR readership’s many thousands of collective ears. Still interested? Then I’ll begin.
Here we present our very straightforward editorial policy. Meet any one of these criteria, and you’re published. Fail to meet them and your name won’t be on the list so you’re not coming in…
Send us compelling news
The stuff that gets people sitting up to take notice. News that is relevant to our readers − and interesting − will always get published on LFR. Always. Fact.
Acknowledge us with a thanks, retweet or share
Mutual benefit and reciprocation is great, it’s the bedrock of all solid commercial relationships – so please try a little bit of give-and-take, some back scratching if you will. If we have published your news and you’ve taken the trouble to interact with us we will probably do so again in future. You can interact via a Retweet of our published copy of your news, post a Like on Facebook, or write a comment on LinkedIn − all channels that we syndicate our news to − and we’ll smile appreciatively. We shall also look favourably on any news you send us in the future. In short, a simple ‘Thanks’ goes a long way.
Become an advertiser or sponsor
When all is said and done we are a business, so we will accordingly always and faithfully prioritise and pro-actively support all of those who support us. Our skilled editorial team will even take the time to polish your material so it will always be seen in the best possible light. And of course advertisers benefit from the inclusion of their backlinks and contact info in their news stories – which naturally makes it easier for our readers to contact them.
That’s also why you will regularly see the likes of HP, Fujifilm, Ricoh, Mimaki, Drytac, Nazdar, Soyang and others getting premium coverage on our front pages, and their news being promoted across our social channels. Why? Because they all support us with advertising or sponsorship, and we in turn support them by proactively promoting their content. If you want to enjoy similar beneficial treatment and coverage, simply email marc@largeformatreview.com and he’ll be happy to let you know about the options available.
Please do note that if you want your contact details, telephone number, email or website links included, that is a service only available to our advertisers and sponsors. Sorry.
And that’s it, it really couldn’t be simpler. We publish great news or material sent in by advertisers and friends − and the equally simple truth is, if you’re not getting published on LFR refer to the above criteria, take a moment to reflect, and you’ll soon be able to figure out why.
That all said, we’re here to talk about how we can help you get enhanced coverage, so feel free to contact us.
We look forward to seeing how we can work successfully together in the future.