Greenshires deploys Epson Stylus Pro 9700 printers for pre-proofing system


Greenshires, one of the UK’s largest producers of sophisticated marketing materials and supplier of fulfilment solutions, has installed a Digital Information Pre-proofer system that uses two Epson Stylus Pro 9700 printers to provide duplex printing of imposed proofs at sheet sizes up to 44 inches wide.

Installed by specialist reseller Bodoni Systems, the Pre-proofer links the two Epson wide-format printers together both mechanically and electronically so that precise doubled-sided proofs can be printed for subsequent folding and trimming to produce complete paginated proofs and product mock-ups.

The Pre-proofer combines two Epson Stylus Pro printers, either 7700/7900 models for 24-inch width output or 9700/9900 for 44-inch, in a stable platform.  A paper guide links the two printers so that one side and then the reverse can be printed in a single operation. Special duplex paper is used which is available in a range of types and weights. Control and data management are provided by Digital Information’s DI-Plot proofing software, which accepts ROOM (RIP once output many) data in a variety of popular data formats and from a range of prepress workflow systems. It can apply ICC-based colour management independently to both printers for colour-critical applications as necessary.

Peter Tayler, studio manager at Greenshires’ Leicester site, agrees about the Epson quality.  “We already had an Epson Stylus Pro 9900 which we use for Matchprint proofs and so we had confidence in the product quality. When we researched the market there were really only two options but the Pre-proofer was the more up-to-date solution. We particular like the electronic registration concept where a camera reads a registration strip printed on the first side in order to accurately align the printing of the second side, instead of relying on mechanical methods.”

He continues, “We have been routinely pre-proofing each job for content, position and imposition checking, for either account handler or direct client sign-off, for years. Previously, we were printing two sheets single-sided and sticking them together, which was very labour-intensive. The Pre-proofer solution is quieter, neater and is saving us a lot of time and therefore labour costs. We’re getting great quality results and there are useful options to trade off print quality against speed of output, which helps as these proofs are often needed urgently. It all helps us to put a much improved product in front of our clients.”

Ian Reid at Bodoni comments, “Although there are other duplex printer offerings on the market, the Digital Information Pre-proofer is the most reliable and professional solution we have found, based on the proven reliability of Epson’s Stylus Pro printers.”

Chris Davies, Account Manager, Pro Graphics, at Epson says, “The Pre-proofer installation at Greenshires is a great example of how clever third-party integration and control software, combined with the flexibility and quality of Epson Stylus Pro printers, can enhance productivity and quality in professional production environments to give companies the maximum return on their investment.”

Developed by Digital Information of Zurich, the Pre-proofer is available exclusively through Bodoni Systems in the UK.

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