Imageco commits to going greener

Imageco are further committing to develop their sustainability portfolio, with big changes planned for their own processes.

With new government policies being aimed at stimulating a green recovery, including issuing grants to install solar panels and green building developments. Yorkshire based, eco conscious, print and signage firm Imageco are further committing to develop their sustainability portfolio, with big changes planned for their own processes.

Carbon Neutrality

Print uses a lot of power, they understand this and have recently introduced their carbon offsetting initiative of planting trees, through fuel offsetting Imageco have currently planted over 50! In addition to this, they are due to partner with the Yorkshire Dales Millennium trust to offset carbon using tree planting against purchases on their new eco wall canvas that is itself made from recycled plastic bottles. They have set a target to plant 500 trees which would offset 84 tonnes of CO2 over a period of 50 years. On top of all this they have taken the bold step in implementing solar power, they have committed to installing 256 photovoltaic panels on the roof that will generate 62,000kwh per year. Combined with the new voltage optimiser, which will also cut energy consumption by over 26,000kwh per year, they will save over 43,000kg of carbon from entering the atmosphere per year.

The aim of cutting energy would be redundant without taking into account their day to day activities. The types of inks Imageco have adopted significantly improves their green credentials. The EFI Vutek LX Ultradrop Pure LED Cooling Technology allows them to complete jobs at a quicker rate and more efficiently at a reduced cost, whilst handling more applications. Their HP Latex printers are some of the most eco friendly printers on the wide format market using water based inks that are free of harmful VOC’s. Also their recent investment in Raster Image Processor and Caldera allows them to process files faster, more consistently and more efficiently. This permits them to reduce ink and power consumption significantly.

Revolutionising their Product Portfolio

Imageco have always been pioneers of ultra-sustainable materials, however in recent years they have stepped this up. One of the newest additions to the green alternative line ups is the uber environmentally friendly, recyclable and ultra-lightweight Xanita Print fibreboard.

The board is constructed with natural, recycled kraft materials, free of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and is fully repulpable for future recycling, meaning they can provide top-quality print materials while doing their bit for the environment. Their mission in life is to encourage their clients to use eco-friendly alternatives and are currently leading the way in sustainability.

Another one of the latest additions to their product portfolio is their new recycled bottle wallpaper from CMYUK, which takes ocean bound plastic and reinvents it to create stunning visual artworks. The wallpaper offers businesses a new way to bridge the gap between quality and ethics.

With most products around today, the harmful aspect is the packaging. That’s why Imageco have evaluated their complete offering and substituted some of their packaging for a compostable alternative, that provides the equivalent protection but is also completely sustainable. The composable bags are to replace the small plastic bags used for packaging that have been traditionally used by Imageco.

Of course, creating a sustainable world is not a feat accomplishable by one company alone. That’s why Imageco are urging their clients to use sustainable alternatives, for the good of the environment. In doing so, they would be backed by not only by Imageco, but also by Her Majesties Government. The Yorkshire printers are seeking out like minded suppliers to open the conversation around sustainability. After all, the key to rebuilding sustainably is collaboration.


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