The ISA-UK’s council is made up of experienced and inspirational industry professionals who endeavour to support the ISA-UK’s work. As General Manager, Chris will work with ISA-UK members from around the UK, offering expert advice and guidance on how to grow their business in the post-pandemic period, as well as providing specialist support on any other queries they may have.
A passionate and energetic leader, Chris has in-depth experience as a director of multi-site small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as first-class communication skills and the proven ability to produce results within a fast-paced environment.
Chris has worked in a number of senior positions during his career, including a five-year spell as Operations Director at Notcutts Garden Centre, which runs 18 individual garden centres at locations all across the UK.
The addition of Chris Coward to the ISA-UK team will see Craig Brown step down as Interim CEO. Craig took on the temporary role in July 2021 to help guide ISA-UK during the summer months whilst a permanent replacement was sought.
On Chris’s appointment, Sam Armstrong, founder of Make it Happen signage consultancy and the President of ISA-UK, comments: “Firstly we’d like to thank Craig Brown for stepping in as the interim CEO. His work is very much appreciated.
“Following an extensive search, we’re delighted to welcome Chris to the team. He brings a wealth of experience of running SMEs and will be instrumental in guiding our members to successfully navigate this post-pandemic period.”
As the only trade association for the signage industry within the United Kingdom, ISA-UK seeks to raise industry specific standards, communicate best practices, and increase and support the development of a diverse and inclusive signage community.
For more information about the ISA-UK, please click here.