
Amira Bouchiba Durst UK customer support

Durst UK expands customer support with new appointment

Durst UK appoints Amira Bouchiba, expanding the customer support team. Amira was selected for her unparalleled expertise.
Peter Alderath Kornit Digital General Manager, DACH & Benelux Regions

Kornit Digital welcomes new General Manager for DACH & Benelux

Kornit Digital LTD announces the appointment of Peter Alderath as General Manager for the DACH and Benelux regions.

Drytac introduces Product Specialist role with two new hires

The customer-focused and knowledge-led Product Specialist position highlights Drytac’s commitment to delivering exceptional service and expertise.
Soyang Europe announces double director appointment.

Soyang Europe announces double director appointment

Soyang Europe, the leading manufacturer and distributor of digitally printable wide-format and superwide-format media and surface coverings is delighted to announce the appointment of Oliver Mashiter as Sales Director (Media) and Simon Mashiter as Operations Director (Media).

Soyang Europe raises a glass to trio of retiring senior staff.

Soyang Europe raises a glass to trio of retiring senior staff

Soyang Europe, the leading manufacturer and distributor of digitally printable wide-format and superwide-format media and surface coverings and – through its sister company Soyang Hardware – a supplier of leading edge wide- and superwide-format print production hardware solutions, is paying tribute to three valued members of senior staff as they prepare to retire.

InkTec launches new Technical Sales Support Team to elevate customer experience and drive growth.

InkTec creates new Technical Sales Support Team

InkTec is proud to announce the formation of its new Technical Sales Support Team, a strategic initiative aimed at enhancing customer service, streamlining technical support, and expanding the company’s digital marketing efforts.

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