Steve Broad appointed Drytac Europe’s Sales Director


Drytac Europe Ltd, a Bristol UK based laminating film & machinery manufacturer, has announced that Steve Broad is to step up to the role of Sales Director effective January 2011.
Steve is currently Drytac Europe’s UK Sales Manager and was chosen from a panel led by Drytac Group President Marc Oosterhuis, who said “his drive, energy and appetite for change meant that he was, without doubt, the right person for the position.”

Steve’s role will be to direct and manage the sales and marketing activities across Europe, Asia and Australasia; not only for the Drytac brand but also Hot Press and the recently acquired Teneka brand.
Broad brings with him a wealth of experience at the Director level. Prior to joining Drytac Europe, Steve was the joint owner and Managing Director of Print Finishing Solutions Ltd.
With his excellent technical knowledge and thorough understanding of the graphic and print markets, Steve is available to give Drytac’s customers sound advice on both products and applications.

Steve said he was ‘delighted’ with the promotion and looks forward to working with a very talented and dedicated Drytac team in continuing to offer customers and distributors unparalleled service and support. 

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