BPIF votes Eclipse Colour as Company of the Year 2011 in £5m plus turnover category


Judges for the prestigious BPIF Excellence Awards have voted Northamptonshire-based Eclipse Colour as ‘Company of the Year’ for 2011 in the £5m+ turnover category.

Simon Moore collected the accolade on behalf of Eclipse Colour at the glitzy awards ceremony in London’s revamped Café de Paris.  Eclipse Colour was the the only commercial printer to have been shortlisted in two categories – both ‘Company of the year’ and ‘Lean Manufacturing’.

“It was a real privilege to be named the company of the year by an organisation like the BPIF and reflects what a great year we had in 2010,” said managing director Simon Moore.  “It will certainly give the whole team a real boost and will highlight to our customers that they really are dealing with an award-winning company.”

He added, “I’d like to thank the BPIF for not only a fantastic evening but for the support they have given us through ‘Vision in Print’ in the process of continual business improvement.”


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