The three companies – Senior Aerospace, Kernow Coatings and SJA Film Technologies all played a key part in adapting their products and technologies in order to help produce vital kit during a time of extraordinary shortages caused by the outbreak of Coronavirus.
Engineering solutions provider Senior Aerospace approached Kernow Coatings, leaders in synthetic print media with a request to supply them with 125KBC optically clear polyester film. Senior Aerospace had diverted some of their manufacturing resources (Zund cutters) in an effort to urgently make more visors for the NHS.
The timescale was tight, and Kernow then went on to approach SJA film technologies to convert the polyester film, which they successfully achieved within a 48-hour turnaround.
Paul Dimery at Kernow commented:
“We were delighted to be able to help Senior Aerospace with their requirement for the NHS and to help in the current crisis. We really appreciated the speed at which Dave and the Team at SJA turned the product round.”