Durst Group awarded ISO 14001:2004 environmental certification


Durst was recently awarded ISO 14001:2004 certification for its environmental management system by Quality Austria, which is the leading partner for organisations concerned with integrated management systems. 

Durst is both conscious and connected with the traditions and environment of its Tirolean location, which is home to its two main manufacturing sites. The company is committed to the 16 principles of the ICC Charter for long-term, sustainable development, as well as to the principles of “Agenda 21” and the “Alpine Convention”, both of which are important for the Tirol region. 

Durst considers environmental protection and the need to conduct an environmentally friendly business the central maxim for its corporate policy at all levels and targets continuous improvement of its environmental performance through its whole workforce.

The family owned business is committed to all aspects of environmental protection from the continuous improvement of the energy efficiency of its buildings and how they integrate harmoniously with their surroundings, to the manufacture and performance of its product range. It ensures that all natural, energy and material resources are used efficiently and in an environmentally friendly way. The company also requires this commitment from its business partners.

Durst has expressly agreed to not use any inks that contain VOCs and, as further protection of the environment, it reduces emissions and waste material to a minimum. It sees avoidance of waste of higher priority than recycling and has trained the staff to avoid waste.

Durst activity seeks constant improvement of its environmental performance through communication with its customers, staff, suppliers and authorities and is continually assessed under ISO DIN 2004.

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