Entries for SGIA Golden Image Awards Competition now being accepted


SGIA is now accepting entries for its prestigious Golden Image Awards Competition at the 2011 SGIA Expo (New Orleans, October 19-21), which annually recognises the most innovative work in the digital and screen printing marketplace.

“This is a great opportunity for companies to compete against the best in the specialty imaging community and display their work to thousands of Expo attendees,” says Johnny Shell, SGIA’s vice president of technical services.

Entries will be showcased in the Expo’s Golden Image Gallery October 19-20 from 9:30-5:00 pm, and on October 21 from 9:30-noon. Winners will gain international acclaim and every entrant will be considered for “Best in Show” (digital and screen printing categories), the competition’s highest honour.

“Marketing Alliance Group was thrilled to be honoured with an SGIA Golden Image award,” says previous Golden Image Award winner Julie Pownall, Director for Retail Services. “I am so glad there is an avenue for screen and digital printers to be recognised for quality work.”

The entry deadline for the Golden Image Awards is October 7, 2011. SGIA printer members receive one free entry, and additional entries are $30 each. Imagers are encouraged to submit their favorite piece of work online to be considered for this esteemed award.

To learn more about the competition, category definitions, judging criteria or entry rules, visit www.SGIA.org 

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