Michael Fox to retire; Richard Bowles to become Nazdar President

Mike Fox Richard Knowles

Nazdar, comprised of Nazdar Ink Technologies, Nazdar SourceOne and Nazdar Consulting, announces the retirement of its President, Michael Fox, effective the end of 2017.

Mr. Fox has been with the Thrall family organization for over 40 years and joined Nazdar as President in 1991. He has led the company through international expansion, technological disruption, strategic acquisitions and growth in varied economies.

Richard Bowles will be promoted to President of Nazdar effective January 1, 2018. Mr. Bowles joined the company in 2002 as Vice President of Marketing and was named President of Nazdar Ink Technologies in 2013.

Jeff Thrall, CEO of Thrall Enterprises, parent company of Nazdar, stated, “I wish to thank Mike for his many contributions to Nazdar and Thrall Enterprises. In the coming months, Mike and I will be working with Richard and our leadership teams to ensure a smooth transition.”

For more information on Nazdar and its comprehensive range of ink solutions, please visit www.nazdar.com.

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