Now Mimaki joins EcoPrint as a founding exhibitor


Mimaki is the latest organisation to become a founding exhibitor and supporter of EcoPrint 2012.  As a founding exhibitor, Mimaki Europe will also take its seat among other industry leaders on the EcoPrint Development Group, where it will play a key part in defining and refining the event.

Mike Horsten, Marketing Manager at Mimaki, comments, “Mimaki’s decision to become a founding exhibitor at EcoPrint is in line with its strategy to innovate new technologies that combine high print volumes and sustainable performance. The EcoPrint concept recognises that sustainability doesn’t exist without commercial viability, yet to be commercially viable you must be a sustainable and creative business. This is a reflection of Mimaki’s approach to technology and so this new event is a compelling proposition.”

Frazer Chesterman, Director, EcoPrint adds, “Naturally, a leading innovator such as Mimaki committing this early to EcoPrint demonstrates the confidence the print sector has in the EcoPrint concept. Mimaki is the leader in digital textile production, an exciting growth area with flexible and creative potential allied to considerable sustainable performance – all factors which resonate with EcoPrint’s objectives. Add to that Mike’s expertise and enthusiastic commitment to sustainability and you have an exciting combination which will add tremendous value to the event.”

Horsten concludes: “It is a question of when, not if, the main marketplace adopts green practices and products in its entirety. So, adopting a sustainable business strategy makes good business sense and EcoPrint will afford visitors a significant head start in this respect.  I am excited to be part of this event and proud to be contributing to its success through the development group. Only by collaborating with other like-minded professionals in the industry can we really affect change in a positive way. Our industry needs innovation in its events in order to push it on to the next level and EcoPrint will be a highly positive addition to the calendar. Focused entirely on the business of sustainability in print, this event will be of great importance.”

EcoPrint runs 26-27 September 2012 in Berlin.

For more information, please visit

[picture shows EcoPrint logo and photo of Mike Horsten, Mimaki]

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