With the UK’s printing industry spending over £67 million a year on energy bills, which equates to the usage of approximately two million tonnes of carbon emissions according to the Carbon Trust, printers are encouraged to take a proactive approach to seeking expert support available to them for the implementation of certifiable environmental management systems such as ISO 14001.
Fortunately for those printing firms based in the East of England, the ISO 14001 environmental standard can be implemented with the financial aid available, subsequently reducing a significant amount of the cost of implementation.
Beyond implementing standards, Blackmores will take companies through the stages of their funding application as part of an initiative to more quickly promote carbon savings within the UK at the same time as enabling organisations cost savings during a period of economic downturn.
By implementing ISO 14001, printing firms are able to adopt an expert approach to managing the efficiency of their energy usage which can then meet increasing demands from clients and the government to ‘go green’.
A renowned UK based printing company Lamport Gilbert, have achieved savings of £40,000 a year through successful implementation of ISO 14001.
Blackmores, a consultancy with leading environmental experts from the print industry offer free advice on funding that is available to the print industry.
Melanie Blackmore, Managing Director of Blackmores quoted, “It has been tough for many print companies in the UK however 2010 brings many opportunities to support the print industry to reduce energy, waste and costs. It’s a competitive market, but we are delighted that there is financial support to give those organisations without ISO 14001 the competitive edge. Funding varies from region to region across the UK, and ranges from £1,000 – £5,000 in matched funding.”
We are finding that the vast majority of our clients are eligible for funding so we can hold their hand from the funding process through to implementation, training and successful certification.
For further information contact Nicolette Fletcher at 01462 450591 or email nicolette.fletcher@bqms.co.uk