FESPA Digital 2011 sees decisive response from digitally driven suppliers

FESPA 2010


FESPA Digital 2011 (Messe Hamburg, Germany, 24-27 May 2011) has received a phenomenal response from the supplier community, with 70% of available floor space already sold by the beginning of September 2010.

Following the outstanding success of this year’s flagship FESPA 2010 event, the Digital show has also attracted an impressive line-up of corporate supporters. HP will retain its position as FESPA’s Corporate Sponsor for three years through to FESPA 2013 in London, including FESPA Digital 2012 in Barcelona. EFI and Kiian have both reconfirmed their role as Platinum Sponsors for FESPA Digital 2011. FESPA’s Global Technology Partnership with leading inkjet technology develop Xaar has also been extended, and Durst continues to support FESPA as its Innovation Partner.

FESPA Marketing Director, Marcus Timson comments: “Vendors have been extremely decisive in committing to Digital 2011. The buzz that we all felt at FESPA 2010, and the sales successes reported by exhibitors across all five halls, gave a clear indication of optimism and forward-thinking among printers. Looking ahead to 2011, there is a common belief that our industry will have put the economic downturn behind it and be ready to embrace the future with a new generation of digital investment.”

68% of visitors to FESPA 2010 highlighted digital technology as a priority interest area, the highest at any FESPA event to date. All the respondents to FESPA’s April 2010 Worldwide Survey 3, indicated that the proportion of their revenue coming from digital output would increase in the next two years, rising to close to 50% of income for smaller businesses. Demand for new digital equipment, media and consumables reflects this trend and points to FESPA Digital 2011 being a decisive event in the continued progress of the wide format community.

Timson concludes: “Our loyal sponsors and partners play an inestimable role in creating the compelling, interactive, multi-faceted events that have become FESPA’s trademark. These companies are at the forefront of technology innovation in their respective fields. Their financial support helps us to develop content-rich educational and inspirational satellite events, and the customer insights they share openly with us are invaluable. They complement our own research and help us to shape FESPA events to reflect the changing needs and concerns of the global print service provider community we serve.”


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