Graphics Producers Luncheon featuring 3 expert presentations

Organized by the Specialty Graphic Imaging Association’s (SGIA) Graphics Production Committee, the luncheon will be held Thursday, October 24, from 12:00 to 1:30 PM.

It’s business with a side of networking on the menu at PRINTING United’s (October 23 - 25, Dallas) Graphics Producers Luncheon, featuring three concise expert-led presentations on management, sales and company culture.

Organized by the Specialty Graphic Imaging Association’s (SGIA) Graphics Production Committee, the luncheon will be held Thursday, October 24, from 12:00 to 1:30 PM.

“The luncheon is a great opportunity for graphics producers to get a feel for and hear content specifically geared toward this community,” said Albert “Chip” Basse, President, Albert Basse Associates Inc., and Chairman of the SGIA Graphics Production Committee. “As a committee, we narrowed down several topics to the three most high-profile issues companies in our industry are dealing with today.”

Kicking off the presentations is “10 Attributes of High-Growth Companies,” with Jim Russell of New Direction Partners, a firm that specializes in mergers and acquisitions in the printing, packaging and label industries. Based on observations from the 50 – 75 printing companies they visit annually, Russell says these attributes cover multiple business aspects, from financials and sales to company culture and operations.

“From seeing the facilities, people, equipment and culture, and then studying the financial statements, we can infer what successful companies are doing to add value to their businesses and what attributes are most common among the highest performers,” he said. “Some of these tips are easily implementable, while some may require a shift in culture and will need to occur over time.”

In the second presentation, “Selling to the Top Level,” digital printing and publishing pioneer and marketing expert Barbara Pellow, Pellow & Partners, will share tips from her extensive experience helping companies expand their business opportunities. Selling to top-level executives is no easy feat and requires creative ways to differentiate oneself from the competition. Pellow will delve into how to foster a trusted relationship, including strategies for securing the appointment, preparation, establishing value proposition and post-sale expectations.

Achieving that business growth means having the right team in place and investing in employees, which is why The Philie Group’s Mike Philie rounds out the rapid-fire presentations with “Your Team: The True Leading Indicator.” With 28 years of experience in sales, sales management and executive leadership, Philie has been providing consulting services to North American printing and mailing companies since 2007.

He’ll discuss how to keep employees engaged and feeling integral to the company’s overall success while covering how to hire smart, leverage passions and redeploy talent.

“As we’re walking the show floor researching answers to our everyday production needs, this luncheon allows us a break to stop and take a look at some of the other top-down level factors we’re trying to develop as business leaders,” added Basse. “It’s invaluable to not only gain insight from these dynamic speakers, but to also network with others in the graphic community facing similar issues and challenges.

Tickets for the Graphics Producers Luncheon are $30 and can be added while registering for PRINTING United. PRINTING United registration is free through September 10.

For more information and to register, visit

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