Sales Promotion at the PoS: viscom düsseldorf 2011 showcases new possibilities for retailers


For shop fitters and owners viscom is an important date on the annual trade fair calendar. From sales room displays to screens with product and price information, from advertising design to the appropriate lighting concept – the trade fair has a comprehensive offer for the retail sector. This year is no exception: at viscom düsseldorf 2011, taking place from 13 to 15 October, visitors can expect, among other things, the second edition of the DISPLAY/PoS World, the Customised Design Forum with some 150 innovative materials and patterns as well as practical examples of applications in the retail signage segment. With approximately 350 exhibitors from the segments of advertising technology, light advertising, digital printing, digital signage and display/PoS, viscom offers the full spectrum of visual communication. The trade fair showcases the right ideas, products and services in the area of shop design, thus covering significant aspects of retail marketing.

Special zone for the retail sector: the DISPLAY/PoS World
Counter display units, packaging solutions, floor-standing units, window displays or brochure holders – after its premiere last year, in 2011 the DISPLAY/PoS World at viscom groups manufacturers and suppliers of display, PoS and packaging solutions in one area for the second time. Visitors are thus given an overview of new materials and technology solutions and of the huge range of media used in the industry. As a result, the DISPLAY/PoS segment offers just as much variety as viscom itself which, with its established core segments and the new segments such as Digital Signage and Customised Printing and Design is the perfect point of contact. The traditional display SUPERSTAR, an award for the DISPLAY/PoS segment, will also be presented once again at the trade fair by publishers display Verlag in cooperation with viscom organiser Reed Exhibitions. It is awarded for exhibits from the Short-term, Long-term, International, Digital Signage and Consumer Packaging segments. Also at viscom: the presentation of the Platin SUPERSTAR to the winners of the gold awards of the latest competitions in Germany, Poland and Italy.

Retail Signage in focus at the Digital Signage World
Information, entertainment, guiding as well as communication about products and prices at the point of sale is increasingly done digitally. Digital Signage applications offer retail business numerous communication possibilities. Examples of this are showcased at the Digital Signage World which, as a “fair within the fair” is the point of reference at viscom for everything related to digital signage and information. In the exhibition section companies showcase complete solutions for the retail sector, information and guiding systems, interactivity and content. The spectrum includes products for a large range of sectors such as retail, hotels, railway stations and airports or public areas, with a special focus on the segment of retail signage.
The offer is completed by guided tours, lectures and workshops as well as the Digital Signage Best Practice Award presented for innovative digital signage applications, also in the retail sector, from all over Europe. Winners of previous years in the retail category include well-known companies such as Seen Media for Audi AG, xplace GmbH for Media-Saturn Holding GmbH, ~sedna GmbH for GRAVIS EDV Vertriebs GmbH and Online Software AG for dodenhof.

Individual shop solutions: Digital printing worlds at the Customised Design Forum
For shop design and product presentation digital printing is an indispensable design instrument since it allows printing on all kinds of surfaces. In cooperation with the raumPROBE materials agency, the newly established Customised Design Forum at viscom offers everything related to the digitally printed world. Some 150 innovative materials and samples are on display. In the special show “Customised Design meets Materials”,  exhibitors present their most innovative materials and examples of realisation in the areas of furniture, floor coverings and facades, walls and ceilings, textile and glass, as well as other material innovations, elements for the PoS and brand design. There will also be another edition of the “From pixel to product” presentation which shows the digital workflow from digital image via image processing to the final product and the moving image. At the “Customised Printing Workshop” an entire day is devoted to the subject of customised design. Experts supply information on customising and finishing technologies, production procedures and technologies and present examples of best practice.

About viscom düsseldorf 2011
From classic advertising technology to digital printing to digital advertising media and PoS media – viscom düsseldorf brings the entire sector of visual communication together again in 2011. Since its beginnings as a meeting place for advertising technology and light advertising, viscom has developed into Europe’s largest trade fair for advertising communication and design. The Digital Signage World, the Individual Design Forum and the PoS World, all held as part of viscom, exemplify this development. In 2011 viscom, which alternates between Frankfurt and Düsseldorf, takes place in Düsseldorf from 13 to 15 October. Approximately 350 exhibitors and 11,000 trade visitors are expected.

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