‘Volume + automation + integration = profit’ at Sign & Digital UK 2012


Solent Sewing & Welding, Esko, Revolution and Soyang are linking up for this year’s Sign & Digital Show to provide live demonstrations of how “Volume + automation + integration = profit”.

The companies are inviting visitors to the event to follow a trail between their stands to view banners being printed on Soyang materials by Revolution, then cut on an Esko Kongsberg Digital Cutter, then finished on a Solent / Miller Weldmaster T300 Extreme Edge heat welder.

Solent Sewing & Welding’s Martin Morrissey, explains, “Sign & Digital UK offers an ideal opportunity for businesses to see for themselves how volume combined with automation and integration can help to maximise their profits.”

[photo below shows “Volume + automation + integration = profit” trail map]

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