Antalis launches ICC Profile Centre

Antalis ICC profiles LFR

Antalis UK is making a comprehensive database of ICC profiles for leading visual communications products and digital printing presses available on its website. Easily accessible through a single sign on, the ICC Profile Centre ensures that customers obtain optimum printing results from the outset avoiding costly trial runs and re-prints. Over a thousand profiles are already available with more being continuously added.

“As the visual communication market continues to grow and Antalis expands its offering in this segment with dynamic brands such as Coala, we need to ensure that we are also delivering the services that will allow our customers to make the most of this business opportunity,” states Mike Collins, sign and display product manager at Antalis UK. “The Antalis ICC Profile Centre guarantees that each LFP print job is perfectly calibrated to deliver high quality colour results from the first print regardless of the substrate or machine used.”

Readily available on the Antalis website, the ICC Profile Centre allows customers to choose a specific printer manufacturer, printer model, ink type and set-up as well as the precise substrate to be used for perfect results every time. As the Antalis visual communication portfolio grows, new ICC profiles will be added to the centre for added-value media such as wall papers and easy-apply products.

“We intend to continue working with the very best labs in this field to meet the expectations of our customers and keep pace with market trends,” concludes Mike Collins.

To access the ICC Profile Centre, go to:

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