Sun Chemical will demonstrate its latest offering of conventional and UV curing screen inks and effect varnishes for direct glass printing at GlassPrint 2015, which takes place from 25-26th November in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Providing an alternative to traditional ceramic enamel printing, Sun Chemical’s SunVetro® screen ink series comprises a portfolio of organic UV curing and conventional solvent-based inks for direct printing on to flat or hollow glass surfaces. The range is available in a choice of strong and bright standard mixing colours as well as a selection of special effects such as frosting or etch effects, thermochromics inks as well as covert and overt brand protection features. This enables printers to deliver the highest quality printed output with bold accurate colour reproduction allowing for greater creativity, colour consistency and brand integrity.
Delegates to the GlassPrint conference and exhibition will see how the SunVetro range facilitates easy direct print on to glass, an ideal substrate for a whole range of products, from food and drink to cosmetics, ceramics, mobile phone and computer screens, gaming machine mirrors and furniture, transforming and branding it in a way that is functional, aesthetically pleasing and fit for purpose.
The SunVetro range also features products for spray coating glass and a cold-end coating suitable for use as a post-treatment to improve abrasion resistance. In addition, the SunVetro ink series, which is heavy metal and cadmium-free, is fully compliant with packaging regulations, extending its use for food and sensitive product packaging applications.
“The very nature of glass with its rigid composition, barrier resistant properties and recycling credentials makes glass a unique and highly attractive substrate for brand owners and consumers. The challenge, however, has been the limitations of reproducing exact, bold and bright colours directly on to the surface of the glass, to provide quality visual impact and accurate brand colour representation. In addition, the composition of some inks that contain heavy metals and VOCs have made it less practical, at times, to print onto glass.” explains Robin McMillan, European Marketing Manager, Industrial Inks at Sun Chemical.
He continues, “Our latest SunVetro range of UV formulated heavy metal and VOC-free inks and coatings allows printers to overcome these issues and deliver vibrant, bright and accurate brand colours directly on to the glass surface, significantly expanding the colour gamut and adding to shelf presence for consumers.”
For more information on Sun Chemical and its SunVetro solutions for glass decoration, please visit: or visit Sun Chemical at GlassPrint 2015.