Sun Inks Europe Announces Organisational Changes

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Sun Chemical has announced changes to the structure and management of its Sun Inks Europe business. Rudi Lenz, president and CEO of Sun Chemical, will assume direct responsibility for the business, and its current business leaders will now report directly to him. Sun Inks Europe’s functional leaders, covering areas comprising human resources, purchasing, operations, finance and environment, health, safety and security will now report to their respective global functional heads.

“Our customers expect the highest levels of service, and we believe that we can enhance this and the growth of our own European business through a more global structure,” said Mr. Lenz.

David Meldram, president, Sun Inks Europe and senior vice president, Sun Chemical, is leaving the business as part of these changes and his position will not be replaced.

In paying tribute to Mr. Meldram, Mr. Lenz said, “David has been with the company since 1997 and has done a tremendous job. He has built a very successful team and we wish him all the best in the future.

“In these very challenging times for our industry, it is very important that Sun brings all its global resources to help our customers become more successful,” Mr. Lenz continued. “Sun’s commitment to quality, service and innovation will continue to differentiate us in the market.”

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