Toyo Ink provides second damage report following Tohoku earthquake


Effect of Great Tohoku Kanto Earthquake (Second Report) from Toyo Ink:

We express our heartfelt sympathy to the victims of the Great Tohoku Kanto Earthquake that occurred on March 11, 2011.

This release provides information on the damage sustained by the Group. The damaged confirmed as of the time of writing is as follows:

Effect on production facilities

Manufacturing sites in eastern Japan experienced minor damage, but production capacity has not been affected.

Effect of rolling outages

The quality of some products would be affected significantly if there is an outage in the production process. We are therefore changing production periods to time periods when no outages are planned.

Effect on procurement of materials

Procuring certain raw materials for products in the Printing & Information Related Business, Packaging Materials Related Business, and Polymers & Coatings Related Business of the Group has become difficult. Each operating company is considering initiatives to minimise the effect of this situation on results.

Effect of radiation on products

The Group does not use any raw materials from the evacuation zones around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant designated by the government. Our production sites are at least 200 kilometers away from the plant. In addition, we manufacture products indoors and store them in containers. We therefore believe that the possibility of our products being exposed to radiation is low and that the effect of the radiation leaks on our products is negligible.


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