Designer Dufaylite shelves wow Somerset House


It’s rare to find a shelving unit that really speaks to you, but a visionary, sustainable, strong and powerful new Ultra Board creation by a Central St Martin’s design student does exactly that…and it’s a looker too! 

UK-based recycled paper honeycomb manufacturer, Dufaylite, supplied up and coming illustrator Matthew Nicholson with Ultra Board – a lightweight, highly versatile and 100% recyclable substrate – for his unique shelving unit used as part of the Pick Me Up contemporary graphic art fair at Somerset House.

Matthew, studying for his MA in illustration at Central St Martins College, London, chose Ultra Board as his medium and created the concept and subsequent super structure as part of a brief by independent illustration and graphic arts publication No Brow. The unit was stacked with No Brow’s entire breadth of stock for visitors to flick through and read from as part of Pick Me Up at Somerset House.

Matthew is no stranger to cardboard and paper materials in his practice, but this project presented the perfect opportunity to test Ultra Board and Dufaylite’s honeycomb technology for the first time.
“For this project I needed a material that could stand up to heavy use, yet would retain the gorgeous corrugated edge needed to tie in all the elements of the show,” says Matthew.

“After a few tests it became clear that neither single or double walled cardboard would be suitable. So, after some investigation, I found and chose the 18mm Ultra Board R.”

“I was also impressed by Dufaylite’s cutting service,” adds Matthew, “which saved me untold amounts of hard work in cutting the 28 boards needed to create the layered strength and depth the shelving unit needed. I hope to continue a successful creative partnership with Dufaylite, as I feel this collaboration has opened a new and exciting area of my work.”

Tony Moscrop, Dufaylite’s Chief Executive, comments: “Ultra Board’s strength, versatility, cutting capability and environmental credentials means it has become a hugely attractive material for talented young designers like Matthew. He and his fellow exhibitors, as well members of the public that passed the unit rated it a resounding success, and No Brow are so pleased with the piece that it plans to install the shelves in its shop in London’s Old Street. Tremendous stuff!”

Dufaylite Group is the sole UK manufacturer of recycled paper honeycomb – a 100% recyclable, robust and versatile core material that has become an innovation in the signage industry and is used in many industrial applications. Major suppliers to the retail and manufacturing industries, Dufaylite now exports to Europe, Australia and the US. Established in 1955, Dufaylite has a 2.5 acre site near Cambridge employing 42 staff and is ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Standard) accredited due to its ongoing commitment to developing eco-friendly products. 

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