Grafityps F1 Driving Experience Winner


Grafityp are pleased to announce that Chris Hooper from Wrapworx in Devon is the winner of their F1 Driving Experience Competition held at the Sign & Digital UK 2010 Exhibition in Birmingham.

Chris demonstrated a high level of skill in his application technique with an excellent wrap result and was judged by Grafityp training tutor, James Deacon, to be the winner.  Chris took GrafiWrap training in its early days which obviously gave him a great start to develop to the standard of wrapping he now offers.

The F1 Driving Experience day is a fantastic prize, which Chris is sure to enjoy, with the chance to drive several high performance cars including an Ex-Formula one car on the track.

Grafityp would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone that took part in the competition, standards were high.

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