Sensational looking people carrier wrap by Cougar Signs

LET’S WRAP Cougar signs keep a customer really happy with a sensational looking wrapped people carrier.

Andy Varley and his team at Leeds based Cougar Signs know a thing or two about wrapping. It’s a specialisation. The company has been in business for about eleven years and is no stranger to the art of stretching flat materials over surfaces that are anything but.

Among Cougar Signs’ many clients is Rentinc, itself based in Leeds too. The company manages a portfolio of properties that are rented to students seeking accommodation in the city. It’s popular. It’s all-in-one package puts a lot of the time students would have to spend on detail and administration back in their hands. More time available for study then.!

Rentinc uses a people carrier in the course of its business and wanted it wrapped. The had a design and took it to Cougar Signs. The design is essential a field of white with ink design details. The people carrier is grey. Indicated action = total wrap.

Andy and the team edited the design provided so that it fitted the vehicle properly and then proceeded to print. They reach for MetaWrap MD-X and loaded the material into their Mimaki JV. It’s a well proven partnership. MD-X likes its ink and, on this occasion, there’s not a lot of it. Ironically, that makes for a wrap that’s really colourful but not in the literal sense.

Cougar Signs’ skill radiate out of the result. There’s no room for error in the wrap so it’s just as well there are not. Printing is perfect. Application is spot on. The wrap is a real, top-notch head turner.

The client’s face upon collecting the vehicle said it all, according to the boss, Andy Varley, “We’ve worked with Rentinc before and this job I think is among the best we’ve done. The customer loves it. They didn’t have to say a thing, the moment they saw it, it was obvious to me that we’d met expectations and then some.” That’s much the same reaction the wrap produced in us when it was shared on Twitter.

This wrap is one of those none-too-common pieces that speaks as much for wrapping as it does for the customer. It’s a really expert job and one that would inspire others to have a vehicle wrap too.

Congratulations Cougar Signs. Wrapping owes you one.

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