Océ gains PEFC sustainability certification

Oce Sustainability

More than 80% of Océ wide format plain paper media now environmentally certified

Océ Imaging Supplies, one of the world’s largest paper converters and market leader in wide format printing media, has gained PEFC sustainability certification for a large part of its product range.

Provides sustainability assurance of Océ papers

The PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes) certification gives users a number of important assurances about the sustainability of the Océ papers concerned. As a result of this certification, Océ is entitled to use the PEFC label and logo on its packaging. In addition to the new PEFC certification, Océ also holds the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) chain-of-custody certification.

Committed to sustainability throughout value chain

“These certifications give users of our papers a further assurance of our commitment to sustainability right through the sourcing and production chain,” says Hans van der Laan, International Product Manager of Océ Imaging Supplies. “PEFC provides a transparent system of tracking extending from forest right through to end-product, giving users the assurance that the products originate from legal and sustainable sources. By 2010 more than 90% of the paper volume sourced by Océ will carry a certification label for paper coming from sustainable sources.”

Basis for credible and sustainable procurement

PEFC certification now forms the basis for a credible and sustainable paper procurement policy by providing a fully audited, verifiable supply chain from forest to end use. This allows companies to integrate Chain of Custody certification into their own quality management and control systems. Certification was granted to Océ Imaging Supplies following a detailed audit of the company’s sourcing and production policies.

Certification covers wide range of Océ papers

The PEFC certification applies to 75% of the volume of Océ wide format plain paper media. LFM054 Océ Red Label Paper and LFM022 Océ Black Label Paper are PEFC certified. LFM116 Océ Top Label Paper is FSC certified. Full information about other Océ PEFC and FSC certified media grades can be found in the Océ Media Guide.

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