Pixartprinting raises alarm: global supply of red running dry

Pixartprinting's Pix4Love campaign

Pixartprinting has launched Pix4Love, a promotional video content campaign linked to Valentine's Day.

The products are available in the e-shop from 26 January to 14 February with various levels of discount range from invitation cards and packaging to calendars and window stickers.

The concept is an entirely tongue-in-cheek description of an apocalyptic scenario: the end of global supplies of the colour red, just before the day dedicated to lovers when red dominates every printed item. Based on video content, it is based around a mockumentary concept, edited and styled to appear like an investigative report. The stars of the video, shot in various departments around the company, are employees at various levels who give statements on the topic. The tone of voice remains serious to the end, in part drawing on environmental alarmism, but the ironic ending suggests that it may not be entirely truthful. “We are aware that our work by its very nature is not intrinsically green, and we are working on multiple fronts to improve this, for example by implementing cutting-edge eco-friendly technology and adding recycled and FSC®-certified paper to our range”, Andrea Pizzola, Sales & Marketing Director at Pixartprinting commented. “And this promotional project also aims to show that our company is aware of the importance of the topic, acting as a reminder that the resources on our planet are not infinite”.

The innovative spirit with which Pixartprinting maps out new commercial strategies is therefore apparent once again, in a communication project translated into all the languages available on the firm’s website and promoted through a web and social marketing campaign. The video is hosted on a dedicated page that also includes an infographic outlining the production process, a countdown to 14 February and a preview of the discounted products. Since its launch on 26 January it is already going viral, and generating a lot of interest.

The initiative also allows Pixartprinting to show off its creative side: the creation of the concept, the art direction, the production of the video and the implementation of the campaign were all taken care of by the company’s in-house marketing department.

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