Beepag’s success is underpinned by its investment in technology that supports the end-to-end production of customised graphics. A Ricoh Pro L4100 large format latex printer is, for example, used to produce wallpaper for the retail sector, a flourishing area for applications.
Maintaining its proud claim that ‘we print on any type of material’, Beepag recently invested in a Ricoh Pro T7210 UV flatbed printer. The innovative system, which prints high resolution graphics onto rigid substrates, is allowing Beepag to explore new market opportunities.
Beepag can now print vibrant customised graphics onto wood, aluminium and glass, amongst other materials, and has expanded its product range to include industrial decoration — customised doors and interior furnishings — as well as Point of Purchase (PoP) display material.
Beepag conducted a detailed technology review before selecting the Pro T7210. The Ricoh UV flatbed printer offered numerous advantages, including support for media sizes of up to 3.2 x 2.1 metres and thicknesses of up to 110 mm, allowing Beepag to print directly onto doors and other large three-dimensional objects.
“After a careful analysis of the flatbed technologies available on the market, we decided to renew our trust in Ricoh by choosing the Pro T7210.” explains Matteo Pinzauti, Beepag Owner and CEO.
“The Pro T7210 is more flexible than other flatbed printers. It handles media of up to 110 mm in thickness, including wood, aluminium and glass, as well as printing onto cardboard and Forex.”
Making use of the printer’s suction plate, Beepag can also print onto lighter substrates, such as card and Forex. To increase productivity, multiple jobs can be printed on a single 3 x 2 m panel and trimmed after printing. Indeed, one of the main benefits of the Pro T7210 is that Beepag can use the same productive system to produce a variety of products.
Optimised for industrial applications, the Pro T7210 combines excellent image quality with productive performance. In high productivity mode, vibrant four colour graphics are produced at a speed of 100 m² per hour. When required, a white base layer can be applied to eliminate show through and clear ink can be used as a spot varnish.
For Beepag, ink formulation was another critical decision factor. Ricoh’s specially formulated UV inks adhere well to a wide variety of materials, including wood, aluminium and glass. They are, moreover, durable and completely odourless, which means that the doors, furnishings and display materials produced by Beepag can be used indoors.