At this year’s Sign & Digital exhibition, Industrial Tooling Corporation (ITC) will once again be launching an ‘abundance of new innovations’ from its stand – M60.
With a UK based manufacturing and R&D facility, ITC services the UK sign industry with the ‘most dynamic’ tooling solutions available. At the 2012 Sign UK show, ITC will be showcasing new innovations such as the new 3061 Series for machining steel, the extension of the market leading 180 Series of cutters and the 4071 Series of cutters for the machining of foamex, plastic wood, MDF and additional abrasive materials.
Other new product developments that will be on show include the addition of 3 flute cutters to the 2091 Series of Up and Downcut tools and the 2121 Series of extra long cutters for machining difficult to reach surfaces. Complementing the existing range, the new products ensure ITC will continue to provide the market with the leading solutions for issues such as de-laminating, excessive burrs, poor surface finishes and the ability to eliminate hand finishing in many instances.
Leading the market in the provision of solutions, the ITC team is always listening to customers and keeping abreast of market trends. The latest trend noted by ITC is the import of cheap aluminium composite materials. This creates issues with tool life and surface finishes for end users. As the signmaking market is put under increasing price pressure by its customers, small sign making businesses are increasingly using low cost aluminium composites.
The use of low quality alloys is seeing more manufacturers witnessing low tool life, poor surface finishes and increasing production times. At Sign UK 2012, ITC will be demonstrating a range of products to overcome this issue.
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