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printMAX to bring ‘revolutionary’ new colour management software to Sign & Digital UK

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Color Optimizer by printMAX is a brand new colour management and ink saving solution to be showcased at Sign and Digital UK by the Mimaki and Roland specialist.

Brand new to the large format print market, Color Optimizer by printMAX has been tried and tested within the packaging industry for some time. printMAX Managing Director Michael Bolton says: “We have a lot of large customers who constantly struggle to achieve colour consistency across all their print devices. The issue of colour consistency is of increasing importance, with the high production qualities available these days it is almost expected that the customer receives not only the strongest colour match to the original design but also consistent, high quality. Color Optimizer by printMAX addresses all these issues by standardising the print across all print models, manufacturers and platforms.”

A further selling point of the printMAX software is the ability to save up to 50% on ink costs. The ink saving technology does not compromise the quality and depth of colour.  The enhancing colour features of the software offer more precise and accurate colour reproduction whilst saving on ink costs due to the selective nature of the programming, which lays down carefully calculated ink droplets in order to achieve colour matching from screen to print.

The software operates independently of existing RIP software. This means an easy to use solution that won’t change the preferred work method. printMAX technicians make an initial installation visit in order to optimise media choices with bespoke profiling along with training on how to get the most from colour management.  The software is ideal for companies operating multiple machines but needing to optimise their ink use and achieve consistency within print.

printMAX will be demonstrating this product as part of Sign and Digital UK’s retail route, with the colour consistency lending itself to use within branding, logo reproductions and the like.

Visit printMAX on stand F30 this Sign UK for a one-to-one demonstration to try it out for yourself or for more information call the team on +44(0)1420 511539.

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