The most important international standard for the printing industry is to be revised and UK printers are being asked to contribute ideas and requirements. ISO 12647 specifies the parameters for printing conditions for various printing methods including sheet fed offset and digital proofing. Initially published in 1995, ISO 12647 covers all forms of conventional printing and is being updated to reflect the digital reality of modern print.
As part of this revision, the UK representatives of TC130, the ISO technical committee tasked with reviewing the standard, are inviting printers to contribute to this work. A meeting is taking place at the London College of Communications on the 28th October, 2009 from 10 o’clock. A limited number of places is available for printers interested in sharing views and ideas about how ISO 12647 can be improved to better meet their needs and the needs of their customers.
For more information:
Phil Green, London College of Communication: