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X-Rite Pantone to exhibit at ISPRINT

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X-Rite Pantone have announced they are to exhibit at the ISPRINT Expo, taking place at the Tel Aviv Fairgrounds in Tel Aviv, Israel from 20-22 October 2015. X-Rite dealer Colortek Kassorla will join them at the expo in stand 125 Building 10. Together, the companies will be showcasing how X-Rite’s eXact Scan solution gives printers the tools they need to understand, manage, and control color accuracy.

X-Rite eXact is a next generation handheld spectrophotometer that ensures the utmost in colour accuracy, helping printers to avoid costly reprinting and rework. eXact Scan extends the functionality of X-Rite eXact, with features that enable unmatched speed, flexibility and quality control. When used with X-Rite’s InkKeyControl, eXact Scan lets printers achieve faster make-ready and improves quality through the control of ink keys. eXact Scan displays real-time measurement results in a graphical red/yellow/green “traffic light” report, which enables press operators to quickly manage changes as they print.

Christian Benz, product manager at X-Rite, says, “Printers today must manage their resources while still meeting the demands of their clients. X-Rite’s eXact Scan and InkKeyControl software provide a way for printers to meet both goals. It offers a low-cost way to ensure the colour quality and consistency demanded by today’s brands. And, because eXact Scan can bring ink zone controls to older presses, it can extend the life of their biggest investment – the press. We look forward to showing ISPRINT attendees what this powerful combination can mean to their business.”

Based in Kidron, Israel, ColorTek is a partner to leading inkjet manufactures and also offers a variety of solutions for the digital photography, prepress and printing industry. ColorTek has led the formation of an organisation for the standardisation of colour communication. This organisation, called ICcF (Israeli Color control Forum), is committed to work together with leading European organisations to implement quality control across the industry.

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