CADlink invites Sign and Digital UK visitors to attend free Signlab seminars


Industry Trade shows have always been ideal events for information gathering. Everything from seeing the latest design and production technology, to networking, to educating oneself about all aspects of the business by attending seminars and “how-to” events led by industry experts. CADlink Technology has always felt that educating customers on how best to maximize the use of features within SignLab was an essential service that the company and our resellers needed to provide users of the software on an ongoing basis.

CADlink seminar topics have been carefully chosen in order to cover a wide scope of users with diverse design and production workflow requirements. The objective of these live, interactive sessions is to empower attendees with additional product knowledge that will save design and production time, lessen the potential for costly errors within the shop and, in effect, increase the value of the investment that SignLab users have made within their software.

A pioneer in signmaking software, CADlink Technology has been developing specific software solutions for large format design and production for over 20 years. CADlink will present a series of seminars that focus on best practice print and cut, sign/display design and production workflows.

SignLab Print and Cut – Experience the difference a dedicated signmaking software package can have on daily design and production workflows.

Not familiar with SignLab? Sessions will focus on key features that are unique to SignLab and enhance productivity, such as Contour cut, Instant Replay, Fluid Mask for SignLab, Serialisation and Vectorization

The wide range of seminars will benefit those who conduct most of their design work using SignLab, or also include files within their designs that were created in other design applications in print-only, cut-only or print and cut production environments.

Visitors to Sign & Digital UK are invited to join CADlink for these FREE seminars on stand M6.

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