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Ghent PDF workgroup certification for Agfa Graphics’ :Apogee Preflight


The Ghent PDF Workgroup (GWG) has confirmed that :Apogee Preflight, the preflight module that is a standard function of :Apogee Prepress v7.1, is compliant with their 1v4 specifications.

The GWG 1v4 specifications describe what PDF files should contain so that they can reliably be exchanged and processed by graphic arts companies and workflows. There are specifications for various market segments such as advertising, commercial and newspaper printing as well as large format and digital printing. GWG 1v4 compliant files are based on the industry standard PDF/X-1a file format. They have, however, passed a number of additional quality checks to avoid issues with low resolution images, white text overprinting, high total ink coverage, etc.

:Apogee Preflight v7.1 will ship with the 13 profiles of the GWG 1v4 standard. They allow users to check if incoming PDF files were made according to the GWG specifications. This assures that these files will be properly processed and it guarantees good output quality. It saves valuable operator time, manual corrections will be unnecessary and document revisions can be avoided. The profiles also enable :Apogee users to create high quality GWG 1v4 compliant files for archiving or exchange with other GWG 1v4 compliant RIPs or workflow solutions. The result will be identical on the different systems.

The Ghent PDF Workgroup is an international organisation made up of graphic arts users, associations & developers building best practices for publishing workflows. The resulting recommendations and specifications are making it easy for increasing numbers of professionals around the world to successfully create, process, and exchange graphic arts files for numerous applications.

More information regarding the GWG can be found at

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