Shiraz Software has announced availability of Shiraz Focus V4 Wall Art Edition for the latest Windows and Mac OSX operating systems. This major new update adds the unique Wall Art module that enables users to create canvas gallery wraps arrangements that are ‘simply stunning’.
The extensive list of features and the ease of use of Shiraz Focus V4 Wall Art Edition should appeal to any organisations involved in the canvas gallery wrap production. The inclusion of full visualisation of designs in both room view and 3D rendered canvas wraps means that that designs can be visually confirmed before committing to production avoiding any expensive mistakes. Added services to the end customer can be provided by an actual proof of the design as it would actually look in room situ.
Additionally it is also possible to produce wallpaper output of the required width, overlaps and trim marks that can be combined with the canvas output to create unique wall arts.
Other major addition to the software is the new hot folder widget that allows for easy setup and configuration of multiple hot folders for fully automated workflow and production. Any number of job parameters can be assigned to these folders including canvas gallery wrap templates.
More enhancements to the software include a revised and improved user interface that makes using the software even easier and an overall update of all core technologies for faster and more accurate processing of images.
Drivers for the new range of Epson SureColor range of printers as well as the new Canon iPF9400/8400/6400 devices are also included.
The software has been tested and certified for the latest Mac OSX 10.8 as well as the latest Windows operating systems.
For more information and access to trial versions, please